Thursday, October 29, 2015

Objectifying women in the media: A representation of women is creating a sexually object and they only can be good mother and wife through patriarchal institution like media

Most of the advertisements are portraying men as a masculine and women as a feminine figure. For instance, advertising for powerful, big, and popular things like iron-rod, cement, and engineering works is represented by male in contrast beauty products like lotion, creams, and grocery product are often represented by female. Thus, in most cases men are seen in technological advertisement as a brand ambassador of expensive bike, smart phone, and laptop-computer. In contrast, women are often seen in sexuality advertisement, such as standing behind cars, holding balls in their bikinis. Additionally, they often found objectifying in the advertisement of cosmetic products and grocery products like fair and lovely, shampoo, oil, rice, milk, and noodles, which are considered feminine. Objectification, for Kant, involves the lowering of a person, a being with humanity, to the status of an object ( In public sphere where media industry is run by male may be one of the reasons for patriarchy in advertisements. Hence, in this paper I am going to look at ‘is the print media objectifying women?’, ‘Can this be considered as enhancing or spreading patriarchy in the society?’, and ‘Are women objectified for male entertainments?’

महिला शसक्तिकरणका पाटोहरु :

 हिजोआज गाउघर सहर बजार जतासुकै र जो सुकै ब्यक्तिको मुखबाट सबै भन्दा धेरै सुनिन पाइने शब्दहरु हुन्, आदीबासी जनजाती, महिला, सचेतना, शसक्तिकरण, सघिंयता, स्वयत्तता, समानता, पहिचान आदी आदी । यी बिषयहरुमा बहस चलेको पनि बर्षाै भई सकेको छ यद्यपी केही थोरै परिवर्तन बाहेक समस्या जस्ताको तस्तै छ । हुनत हाम्रो जस्तो बिबिधताले भरिएको देशमा यस्ता समस्याहरुको समाधानको लागि कोहि कसैएक्लैले प्रयास गरेर मात्र संभव छैन र हुन्न । यसैले यि बिबिधता भित्र छिरेर कहा, कसरी के ले गर्दा मगर महिला पछाडी पारिएको छ भन्ने पाटाहरुलाई उजागर गर्ने चेष्टा यस लेखले गर्दछ । लेखले अन्य पक्षलाई थोरै छोए पनि मगर महिलाका बिबिध अवस्था, ब्यबहारिक पक्ष र अबको बाटो वा दिशा निर्देशका लागि मार्ग प्रसस्त गर्ने कोशिस पनि लेखले गर्नेछ ।
बिबिधता केमा छ?